Our Contacts
Oritamefa Baptist Model School,
Total Garden, Ibadan
email: obmstotalgarden@oritamefabaptistschools.com
phone: +234(0) 833430011, +234(0) 8106971368, +234(0) 9030001970
Feel free to send us an enquiry
Vacancies exist for the following positions in our church and school
Experienced Drivers.
School Nurses (Retired Nurses).
House mistress/House master.
School Counselors
Subject Teachers: Basic Tech/TD, Maths, English, Yoruba, CRS, History/Civic Education, Business Studies/Financial Account, Computer/Data Processing, Agric Science, Home Economic/CCP/Food & Nut, Further Maths and Social Studies/Geography.
Subject Teachers - OBNPS: Maths, English Language, Phonics and Computer Science.
Candidates must have 3 years cognate experience. All applicants must be born again Christians. All applications and CV should be submitted to the Principal’s office at OBMS, Total Garden.